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Very successful school days

Our school visits this year have been a great hit thanks to the volunteers’ hard work and the delightful children and their staff. Each day has had its highlights and the children were great fun and eager to learn all about the skills demonstrated in the workshops. They all had a chance to practice those skills and everyone took something, they had made, home with them.

They are some more pictures of the activities on School Days 2021

AGM October 26th 2021

It is the time of year when we need to hold our AGM, and there is no better time than soon after the last school visit.

Accordingly I am pleased to confirm that the 2021 AGM will be held on Tuesday 26th October, on site at 1100hrs. Hopefully this will be a convenient time when most volunteers will be able to attend.

We aim to be completed by lunchtime, so please bring along some lunch and drink, feel free to bring a banquet or just sandwiches!  There will be tea and coffee available as usual.

AGM agenda