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The Forge gets refurbished

The volunteers have known for some time that the Forge cover was coming to the end of its life with the uprights starting to rot. The roof still had some life in it so the plan was to replace the uprights in rotation so as not to disturb the roof. Some thought this a little too ambitious but , as ever, the talents and experience of the volunteers knows no bounds and the team pitched in to do just that.

John wielding the auger
Roy makes a ‘point’ to John. I think we should enter this picture for a caption competition!
The offering up of the new posts on site means they can be tailor made. John on auger, Tony and Roy give their opinion on the right angle to drill.
An interesting balancing act
Using a serious size chock on the back edge.
Tony carefully removes the back central post.
The team at the end of the day
The team at the end of the day – 2 including Gemma the team mascot.

Excellent work everyone, it should be good for the next few years now.

A lovely winter’s day on site

Tom took some time one sunny day after Christmas to just wander round the site and take some pictures. It is always good to take a minute to step back and take a look at the things we have done or are doing. Also assess the things that need to put on the list for the maintenance team to have a look at.

The roundhouse entrance
Bundles of thatch waiting to be fixed and trimmed
Roundhouse new daub ‘glowing’ in the sun

The roundhouse build is now reaching completion, a lot has been learned about the consistency of the daub.

Wash stand area
The weaving house

The weaving house is now being daubed. the paneling on the end gables is already starting to weather in nicely

The kitchen hearth.

One of the up coming projects is to repair and repoint the kitchen hearth.